Hog Shares


Our purebred heritage Tamworth hogs are raised on fresh pasture here at the farm without any antibiotics.  This means they enjoy all the wild forage their hearts desire as well as vegetable scraps from our fields. We supplement their diet with a soy-free grain mix that we buy locally.

Shares are available by the whole or half hog, or 50 lb sample packs.

50lb sample packs are $350 and include bacon, sausage, ham, pork chops, ribs, and pork loin.

For whole and half hog orders you will be able to specify if you want bone-in or boneless shoulder roasts, pork chops and loin roasts, as well as fresh or cured and smoked ham, type of bacon (whole or sliced, cured or uncured), and fresh ground pork and/or a variety of types of sausage.  You can also claim organ meats and “extras” like lard, liver, and jowls if you so choose.  Customers submit their cutting instructions to the butcher (I can help with this process), and are responsible for paying processing costs (~$100-$150 per half).

Above: Chef Chanel Gaude butchering one of our half hogs herself for Spoken Cafe.

Whole and half hogs are $4.25/pound based on hanging weight.  Average hog hanging weight is about 250 lbs, average half hog hanging weight is 125 lbs. Depending on your instructions to the butcher you’ll take home 70% – 80% of the hanging weight.  A $300 Deposit is due at time of order.

All orders will be available for pick up from our drop-site at Begyle Brewing Company in Chicago in early/mid November.  More information on pick up day and location will be made available by newsletter in late October.

Sign Up Here!

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Photo Credit: Emily Mei Helle

(Note: Though our hogs have a healthy and diverse buffet style diet, we do not feed them Organic feed grain due to cost prohibitive prices.  Consequently our pork is NOT certified Organic).